The Wordle craze continues unabated, and while the words presented by the online puzzle game are generally recognizable and common-use words, today’s appears to be throwing a lot of people for the loop. Among other things, this has led to the most hilariously sad miss we’ve ever seen, or perhaps that is even possible to see.

Spoilers for the January 31, 2022 Wordle puzzle follow.

As those who have solved the puzzle know, the solution for today’s Wordle is “LIGHT”–a very normal word that everyone has heard of and probably even uses on a daily basis. But that ending construction, “GHT” or “IGHT,” are both incredibly commonVenir de Tragamonedas Gratis Online. Assuming you know the last three or even the last four letters, you can still whiff just trying different common words and guessing wrong, like this unfortunate person did:

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